Australian Bush Flower Essences

Australian Bush Flower Essences are our most popular essence range.
Buy sets, individual bottles, books & charts.


Australian Bush Flower Essences Kit

Includes 70 x 15ml Stock Bottles in 2 cardboard boxes as pictured, PLUS the Australian Bush Flower Remedies booklet, 1 dosage bottle and a pack of 25 bottle labels........


2024 Essence

30ml Dosage Bottle - a combination of the Australian Bush Flower Essences designed to align, optimise and elevate your journey throughout the 2024 year. Acts as a catalyst, building courage and resilience. It will empower you; to identify and express.....


Calophyllum Essence (STOCK)

The latest Australian Bush Flower Essence to be added to the range (May 2023): Calophyllum helps one to develop and activate one's leadership qualities. They are very enthusiastic, have a strong connection to Spirit, which gives them their certainty......


Emergency Essence (DOSAGE)

The 30ml Dosage Bottle of the combination of the Australian Bush Flower Essences that make the Emergency Essence Remedy. Excellent for any emotional upset. This Essence is comforting and has a calming effect. NOTE: Is a dosage bottle not a stock bottle...


Emergency Essence (STOCK)

A 15ml Stock Bottle of the Australian Bush Flower Essences Emergency Essence, for making up dosage bottles for clients or home etc.......


Boost Remedy Essence

New Combination Remedy Essence from Australian Bush Flower Essences. This essence has been specifically formulated to support and boost you through these changing and challenging times in dealing with the global pandemic crisis.......


Carer's Remedy Essence

New Combination Remedy Essence from Australian Bush Flower Essences for this period of COVID 19 -Supports the caregiver to feel their inner strength and their resilience when they are feeling overwhelmed, worn out, or burdened by the responsibility of....


Men's Remedy Essence

New Combination Remedy Essence from Australian Bush Flower Essences - For men always on the go, off and rushing which can lead to impatience and irritability. Releases deep-held grief and sadness. Finding and expressing one’s feelings.......


Space Clearing Spray (100ml)

The famous mister from Australian Bush Flowers: Creates sacred and harmonious environments. Purifies and releases environments with built-up negative emotional, mental and psychic energies. Great for clearing tense situations and environments and........


Isis Essence

This is the first Divine Presence Essence: A life changing gift from the Divine Feminine, that can have a profound effect on the healing of deeper inner issues that go back beyond this life and this domain........


Solar Logos

Activates the light of the Soul within us, enabling us to then access the divine on a personal level and more..........


Gaia Essence

The third Divine Presence Essence – exceptionally special Essences that Spirit guided Ian White to create and that have the potential to assist us greatly in our growth and development. The core positive outcomes of The Gaia Essence are.......


Rainbow Essence

This is the fourth Divine Presence Essence - Is a gentle way of bringing the Solar Logos energy into you - Makes you aware of your and the Universe’s multi-dimensionality - By absorbing every colour into your body, heart and mind, it brings you deep......


Australian Bush Flower Remedies Booklet

New Edition - Concise descriptions of all 69 Bush Flower Remedies with negative conditions and positive outcomes, plus illustrations. In booklet, quick reference format.


Australian Bush Flower Essences

An informative and personal picture of the first fifty Bush Flower Essences which includes the unique story behind each Essence and its use in all areas of healing. Beautifully illustrated with photos of the individual flowers this book also covers.......


Australian Bush Flower Healing

Covers the 12 Essences that were developed after his first book was published. This text is also fully illustrated and contains stunning photos and This book covers the following topics........


Flower Insight Cards

Beautifully photographed and in full colour, each of the 69 cards reflects the vibrancy and potency of each Essence, whilst also opening up many new ways of healing with the Australian Bush Flower Essences. Also use the cards for divination, tarot read...


Remedy Affirmation Cards

from Australian Bush Flower Essences: exclusive boxed collection of 29 inspiring affirmation cards each with photo of a key Bush Essence in each of our Combination for more info.......


Animal Healing

Gives very practical hints for keeping your animals fit and happy as well as dealing with their problems of health and behaviour. The topics covered in this book include......


Happy Healthy Kids

Traces a child’s physical, emotional and spiritual development from preconception, through pregnancy and birth, to age seven. Key emotional issues and a wide variety of everyday ailments a child may face at each stage of growth are described alongside....


Flower & Healing Meditations CD

This CD contains the Flower Meditation from the Level 1 Workshop along with a guided cleansing and purifying meditation. These meditations allow you to tune into the realm of both Spirit and Nature to discover your own inner healing......


Attitude With Essence

Reference manual for the 7 Element Hologram course. Relates meridians to flower essences (Bach, Australian Bush and Desert Flowers) according to Applied Physiology. Complete with all descriptions and affirmations. Also includes flower essence directory...


Applied Physiology 3 Kit Essence set

The popular 3 kit of essences for the Kinesiology field, in particular for the Applied Physiology course 'Attitude With Essence'. Australian Bush Flower Kinesiology (AP) Component Kit, Desert Alchemy Kinesiology (AP) Component Kit, Bach Flower Kit.....
