New Editions & Back In Stock Items

This section is for:

  • Items that have recently come into new edition
  • Items that have been recently updated
  • Items that are Back In Stock - particularly if they have been unavailable for some time

Verbal Questioning Skills for Kinesiologists & Dowsers

Back In Print: Explores in detail the increasingly used technique of ‘verbal questioning’ that can accompany muscle testing. A practical book for both students and Kinesiologists who would like to try out verbal questioning for themselves or......


Energy Mismatch

Back In Print: The Energy Mismatch is a Kinesiology test to determine whether or not the energy system recognises or categorises correctly, a substance such as a food, bacteria or toxin. If the body categorises something as harmful that is beneficial.....


Meridians, Modes & Formats (new edition)

NEW EDITION - This manual is a superb graphic reference for meridians, acupuncture points and finger modes. One of the most popular and heavily referenced Kinesiology texts ever. New edition has much new & updated material......


Crystal Sacred Geometry Sets

Available Again: Crystal Sacred Geometry Sets - Boxed Sets of 7 Geometric Shapes - The 5 Platonic Solids and the Merkaba and Sphere - available in Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz or Amethyst. Click for further info........

From $47.00

Touch For Health - Complete Edition

New 50th Anniversary Edition - 2023: The top selling world wide manual for TFH by founder John Thie with Matthew Thie . Contains the entire International Kinesiology College (IKC) curriculum taught round the world...........


TFH 5 Element & Midday Midnight Law Chart

Laminated, 79 x 61 cm. The TFH Law of the 5 Elements with the Midday Midnight law as taught in Touch For Health. Shows a large 5 Elements picture for 5 Element balancing, the TFH Wheel, 5 Elements relationships pie chart and Acupressure Holding points ...


Universal Barometer Wall Chart

The Universal Barometer from Neuro-Training, with emotions from the different kinesiology modalities linked together on the one chart. Includes famous and in demand Behavioural Barometer structured from Three In One. Laminated wall chart - 60 x 84 cm...


Australian Bush Flower Remedies Booklet

New Edition - Concise descriptions of all 69 Bush Flower Remedies with negative conditions and positive outcomes, plus illustrations. In booklet, quick reference format.


Desert Alchemy Cards Set

Now updated to 119 cards - with exquisite photographs of popular desert flowers, plus instructions with different methods for using the flower cards & box for storing the cards. They can be used to select appropriate......


Astrological Calendar & Moon Planting 2024

Paper Poster. The decades old classic poster from Thomas Zimmer. Specially for use in the Southern Hemisphere. Every year Thomas creates a new and inspiring calendar design, full of astrological information such as......
