Sacred Kinesiology
An energy evaluation manual that teaches kinesiology to determine imbalances in your etheric, emotional, mental or spiritual fields and offers an complete toolbox to achieve optimal well being....
This very large section includes various manuals for classes plus books & manuals on specific topics, or manuals as practical tools.
See also section on Kinesiology Tools for more of the latter.
It is quite an extended product list so feel free to use the search field top left to find what you want if that helps.
This section also exemplifies why Equilibrium is considered to have the largest range of kinesiology titles in the world.
An energy evaluation manual that teaches kinesiology to determine imbalances in your etheric, emotional, mental or spiritual fields and offers an complete toolbox to achieve optimal well being....
Hands-on muscle-testing exercises to unblock receiving and manifesting. The first known book of kinesiology experiments-exercises for self-healers and those willing to learn. Your Success Profile is seven points to measure-outline the strength-depth of...
Your Compilation of Affirmations, Scan Lists and Quotes to Act as Insights Assisting the Healing Process for the Body/Mind/Spirit. Beautifully and heartfully designed manual to assist with attaining insights for practitioners to help clients in.....
Ever wonder how Meridian-organ dysfunctions and mental-emotional dysfunction create and cause each other? This manual condenses and better organizes the brilliant insights of William F. Whisenant's monumental Psychological Kinesiology (1994) adding.......
How to Use Applied Kinesiology to Improve Athletic Performance - a compendium of AK information specialised towards athletic performance......
Acu Kinesiology integrates the Chakra System and the Musculo-tendeno Meridians System into the healing equation, which accounts for the exceptional speed and longevity of recovery. Acu Kinesiology effectively releases the contraction caused by energetic..
Primarily intended for dowsers, this handbook will serve as a reference and will allow you the opportunity to practice changing outcomes. It can help build a foundation upon which you can develop even greater skill sets than mere dowsing. NOTE: This is...
The most comprehensive text ever written on the what makes up 'Kinesiology'. Fully referenced textbook describing the field and explaining the techniques upon which it is built. It covers the underlying principles, the methods and scientific support....
A brand new professional manual for Kinesiologists that includes many finger modes and both popular and fundamental techniques. Covers over 80 tests & corrections across the main application categories. Sections are coloured coded so you can.......
The sway test is the easiest to learn the first step to get you started with Muscle Testing. (Please read notes on this title - click to view........)
from Applied Physiology. Released for public sale this is a brief on the Applied Physiology course "Seven Element Figure 8's". The first 10 pages are all diagrams of the Figure 8's Hologram, Acupuncture Flow chart and Acupressure charts for......
A fascinating account of how Charles Krebs' near fatal accident led to the development of a very successful Kinesiology based approach to reintegrating brain function. Covers in detail the history and development of Kinesiology as well as the most.......
The Living Matrix & the 8 Extra Meridians. The manual for the Basics of Life course by Italian Kinesiologist Marco Rado who presented at the AKA Kinesiology Conference in 2017......
A different approach to the anatomy of the body's energy field's - in particular for the Kinesiologist - very interesting indeed.......
The manual for the course of the same name. The INC Manual introduces the Third Brain - the Cardiac or Heart Brain (the second brain being the gut). Marco Rado (Kinesiologist from Italy) presented this course in Australia for the first time in 2017......
The text for the course 8 - Extra Meridians. Includes muscle tests for the extra meridians, corrections points, emotions, nutrition and exercises. With illustrations and photographs. NOTE: There is no electronic original for this manual so.........
This is a manual of the Biokinetic Exercises (from Biokinesiology) for 102 different muscles & ligaments. It has been out of print for several years and is finally available again as a new & updated for more.......
The manual for Wayne Topping's Biokinesiology Workshop. The most comprehensive information available on the system and the use of Biokinesiology. NOTE: Because this uses the Biokinesiology System it is not automatically usable by anyone. But it is.......
100 specific allergies and their Emotional - Nutritional - Structural associations. Using the Biokinesiology system. Because this manual uses the Biokinesiology System it is not automatically usable by anyone. But it is possible to extrapolate the.......
A self help guide to Kinesiology that allows one to explore the cause of one’s ailment and discover the best treatment for it........
This is a follow up book to Elizabeth’s ‘Your Body Has the Answer’, and is also a self-help guide to using kinesiology for exploring the cause of ailments and discovering the best natural treatment for them........
The Art & Application of Clinical Kinesiology, founded by Alan Beardall, a highly respected pioneer in the Kinesiology field, most famous for his development of the 'finger modes'. This book covers a wealth of information on CK and kinesiology in......
The original 5500 Affirmation Book. Bestselling manual for Kinesiologists and health & wellbeing therapists containing affirmations grouped according to many common issues or themes such as: Supressions, Fear, Forgiveness, Money, Addictions, Trusting..
Physical Affirmations - After the huge success of the Affirmation Book 1, Book 2 also contains 5500 metaphysical affirmations but grouped according to physical parts, or functions, of the body. There are 140 topics with......
Programme Affirmations - Contains over 5500 affirmations looking at programmes that hold you back. This manual follows the presentation of the first 2 Affirmation Books, and is also grouped into themes page by page with related sub affirmations to.....
Emotion Affirmations - Contains over 5500 affirmations looking at emotions that hold you back. This manual follows the presentation of the first 3 Affirmation Books, and is also grouped into themes page by page with related sub affirmations to..
New 2021: Sabotage Affirmations - 5500 affirmations looking at sabotages that hold you back. This manual follows the presentation of the first 4 Affirmation Books, and is also grouped into themes, page by page, with related sub affirmations to.......
New late 2021: Fear Affirmations - 5500 affirmations looking at sabotages that hold you back. This manual follows the presentation of the first 5 Affirmation Books, and is also grouped into themes, page by page, with related sub affirmations to.......
NEW in 2024: the second book on Emotion Affirmations - Contains over 5500 affirmations looking at emotions that hold you back - follows the presentation of the Book 4 Emotions (1) with many more emotions.. Click to view index......
Book of scan charts for kinesiologists covering many aspects of life. 20,000 entries over 52 scan charts compiled in an easy to access A4 spiral bound manual. Each chart is 1 page and includes topics such as........
The manual of formats from kinergetics. Also includes 'Chart of the Glands'. PLUS includes the Kinergetics Dictionary with over 400 'emotion' words and their meanings for use in kinesiology emotion work. In total over 1000 references to 'emotion' words...
Often when working with clients, a practitioner needs to find a precise word to help their client to construct the right goal or gain greater understanding of their issue. This dictionary has been compile to help Kinesiologists find that right word and...
The journal of papers/presentations from the 32nd National Conference of the Australian Kinesiology Association, Brisbane, October 2015. See list.....
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Kinangiology (KA) combines the practice of kinesiology to communicate and co-work with angels to clear emotional blocks, program positive affirmations and eliminate phobias..........
A Training Manual & Reference Book of Basic Principles & Practices. Opening with a detailed description of the history and applications of Applied Kinesiology, the book covers the theory, procedure, and interpretation of the muscle test including....