Jane Thurnell Read Books

Jane is a former university lecturer, but in the early 1980s decided to change direction completely and train as a kinesiologist after a visit to a kinesiologist brought a dramatic improvement in her eldest sons health. She practiced kinesiology for over 20 years, and taught students and practitioners in the UK, Belgium, Germany, Russia, Switzerland and the USA. Jane has developed over 100 test kits for use by kinesiologists, homeopaths, naturopaths, and EAV (Bicom) practitioners. She has also written books both for therapists and for the general public. All of these products are available from Equilibrium: see our test kit webpage.

Verbal Questioning Skills for Kinesiologists & Dowsers

Back In Print: Explores in detail the increasingly used technique of ‘verbal questioning’ that can accompany muscle testing. A practical book for both students and Kinesiologists who would like to try out verbal questioning for themselves or......


Energy Mismatch

Back In Print: The Energy Mismatch is a Kinesiology test to determine whether or not the energy system recognises or categorises correctly, a substance such as a food, bacteria or toxin. If the body categorises something as harmful that is beneficial.....


Menopause Weight Loss

Live Well, Sleep Well, Stop Hot Flashes And Lose Weight: Are menopause symptoms dominating your life? Putting on weight? Difficulty sleeping? Feeling forgetful? Hot flashes and night sweats? Irritability? Lose weight, eliminate symptoms and get your.....


190 Weight Loss Hacks

How to lose weight naturally and permanently without stress - This book is based on what the scientific research says. It turns out there is a lot of research on what works, whether you are trying to lose weight, reduce your obsession with food and.......


Science of Healthy Ageing

Discover the power of lifestyle changes in this book and say goodbye to chronic diseases and hello to a happier, healthier life. Restore your faith in yourself and your future. With easy steps that don't require willpower, you can reduce your risk of.....
