Affirmation Book 5:  Sabotages
by Pam Myers & Sally Worth - A Manual from Rekindled Ancient Wisdom
Addition to the series 2021

Contains over 5500 affirmations looking at sabotages that hold you back. This manual follows the presentation of the first 4 Affirmation Books, and is also grouped into themes, page by page, with related sub affirmations to complete the page. Covers all those ubiquitous sabotages we sometimes experience. We all have sabotages in our systems. They are masses of stale energy stopping us from achieving our goals.

Contains 140 different sabotages with 40 affirmations for each one.

Here is an example of 20 of the 140 sabotages covered:
Sabotages On: family, finances, receiving, achievement, change, manifesting, social interaction, support, letting go, being loved, releasing fear, patience, safety, memories, happiness, goals, having fun, practicality, choices, nourishment...........

Truly a remarkable & useful publication!
Spiral Bound A4 manual of 142 pages

To see the other Affirmation Books go to: Affirmation Book webpage.



Another investment in success

By: on 3 March 2021
This final edition in the Rekindled Ancient Wisdom Affirmation series has been an absolute game changer! I've used it since it arrived in the post in nearly every session. It provides the client so much clarity in the pattern(s) they are running and provides such useful homework to instigate change. Congratulations to Pam and Sally, these books, in my opinion are a 'must have' for all practitioners! Well done ladies

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