LWP Histology Test Kit
74 vials, including flat tray storage box in a sturdy white cardboard box with a foam inlay of cells for the vials
Vial size: 10 x 50mm

The energy patterns of healthy body parts, e.g. kidney, lung, liver, bone, muscles, nerves, ovary, prostate, pancreas, mast cells, etc.

Please only order this kit if you are unlikely ever to order the pathology/histology kits PH1-17. Otherwise you will end up with duplicates, as these are the healthy tissue vials from these kits.

HIST 1    Adrenal Gland/ Suprarenal Gland    
Organs responsible for producing steroid and other hormones essential for life.

HIST 2    Aorta    
The large arterial trunk that carries blood from the heart to be distributed by branch arteries through the body.

HIST 3    Artery    
Tubular branching muscular- and elastic-walled vessels that carry blood from the heart through the body.

HIST 4    Artery, Superior Mesenteric    
A large artery that arises from the aorta and supplies the greater part of the small intestine, the cecum, the ascending colon, and the right half of the transverse colon.

HIST 5    Bladder
Organ in which urine collects before evacuation from the body.

HIST 6    Bone

HIST 7    Bone Marrow    
Soft, sponge-like tissue in the centre of most large bones, producing white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets.

HIST 8    Breast/Mammary Gland    
Glands that produce milk for young.

HIST 9    Cardiac Muscle/ Heart Muscle    
The principal tissue in the heart wall.

HIST 10    Cartilage, Elastic    
Provides strength and elasticity; found in external ear, epiglottis and auditory tubes.

HIST 11    Cartilage, Fibrocartilage    
Cushions and protects, such as intervertebral discs, pads in knee joints and pad between two pubic bones.

HIST 12    Cartilage, Hyaline
Most abundant cartilage in the body, providing flexibility and support.

HIST 13    Cerebellum    
The portion of the brain in the back of the head between the cerebrum and the brain stem; it controls balance for walking and standing, and other complex motor functions.

HIST 14    Cerebrum    
The largest part of the brain, controlling muscle functions speech, thought, emotions, reading, writing, and learning.

HIST 15    Cervix
The lower part and neck of the uterus.

HIST 16    Collagenous Fibre/ White Fibrous Tissue    
Strong, flexible but only slightly elastic, found in tendons and ligaments.

HIST 17    Colon    
The part of the large intestine that extends from the end of the small intestine to the rectum.

HIST 18    Corpus Albicans
Once the corpus luteum degenerates it becomes the corpus albicans.

HIST 19    Corpus Luteum    
Endocrine gland in ovary formed when ovum discharged; if the ovum impregnated, the corpus luteum increases in size and persists for several months, (secretes estrogens, progesterone, relaxin and inhibin); otherwise degenerates and shrinks.

HIST 20    Duodenum    
The first part of the small intestine connecting the stomach and the ileum.

HIST 21    Epididymis
The duct in which sperm undergo maturation.

HIST 22    Esophagus    
The muscular tube through which food passes from the throat to the stomach.

HIST 23    Fallopian Tube
The tube through which eggs pass from the ovaries to the uterus.

HIST 24    Gallbladder    
The pear-shaped organ found below the liver that concentrates and stores bile.

HIST 25    Hippocampus    
Part of the limbic system of the brain, involved in emotions and memory.

HIST 26    Ileum    
The last part of the small intestine.

HIST 27    Intervertebral Disk, Fibrous Cartilage
Spinal disc.

HIST 28    Jejunum    
Portion of the small intestine that extends from the duodenum to the ileum.

HIST 29    Kidney    
A pair of organs which function to filter the blood and control the level of some chemicals in the blood such as hydrogen, sodium, potassium, and phosphate; they eliminate waste in the form of urine.

HIST 30    Kidney Cortex
One of the main functional parts of the kidney (outer zone).

HIST 31    Kidney Medulla    
One of the main functional parts of the kidney (inner zone) containing the renal pyramids.

HIST 32    Liver    
The largest organ in the body; carries out many important functions, e.g. Making bile, changing food into energy, and cleaning alcohol and poisons from the blood.

HIST 33    Lung
Main organ of respiration, lying either side of heart.

HIST 34    Lymph Gland/Lymph Node    
Lymph nodes filter lymph and store lymphocytes (white blood cells).

HIST 35    Mast Cell    
Produce histamine, which dilates small blood vessels; involved in body’s reaction to injury and infection.

HIST 36    Medulla Oblongata    
Lower part of brain stem; controls autonomic functions; relays nerve signals between the brain and spinal cord.

HIST 37    Muscle, Involuntary    
Smooth muscles not ordinarily under the control of the will, activated by the autonomic nervous system.

HIST 38    Muscle, Voluntary
Muscle that can be made to contract or relax by conscious control.

HIST 39    Nerve    
A bundle of fibers that uses electrical and chemical signals to transmit sensory and motor information from one body part to another.

HIST 40    Nerve, Peripheral    
The nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord; they contain non-neuronal cells and connective tissue as well as axons.

HIST 41    Ovary    
Female reproductive glands in which the ova, or eggs, are formed, located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus.

HIST 42    Pancreas    
A glandular organ located in the abdomen; it makes pancreatic juices, which contain enzymes that aid in digestion, and it produces several hormones, including insulin.

HIST 43    Parotid Gland
Salivary gland below and just in front of the ear.

HIST 44    Penis    
The external male reproductive organ, containing a tube called the urethra, which carries semen and urine to the outside of the body.

HIST 45    Pineal Gland/ Epiphysis Cerebri    
Attached to the roof of the third ventricle near its junction with the mid-brain; secretes melatonin; full function is unclear.

HIST 46    Pituitary Gland/ Hypophysis    
The main endocrine gland, producing hormones that control other glands and many body functions, especially growth.

HIST 47    Prostate Gland    
A gland just below the bladder; surrounds part of the urethra, the canal that empties the bladder, and produces a fluid that forms part of semen.

HIST 48    Prostate Gland, Senile    
A prostate showing deterioration that comes with age.

HIST 49    Pyloric Sphincter/Pyloro-Duodenal Junction    
The junction between the stomach and the small intestine.

HIST 50    Pylorus/Pyloric Region    
The region of the stomach that connects with the duodenum (first part of small intestine).

HIST 51    Rectum
The last part of the large intestine.

HIST 52    Renal Artery & Vein
The main artery and vein of the kidney.

HIST 53    Seminal Vesicle
Glands that help produce semen.

HIST 54    Skin, Negroid And Caucasian
Outermost covering of the body.

HIST 55    Sperm/ Spermatozoa    
Mature male germ cells that fertilise the ovum.

HIST 56    Spinal Chord, Cervical
The spinal column in the region of the neck.

HIST 57    Spinal Chord, Lumbar
The spinal chord between the ribs and the pelvis.

HIST 58    Spinal Chord, Thoracic    
The spinal column in the region of the ribs.

HIST 59    Spleen    
Located on the left side of the abdomen near the stomach; produces lymphocytes, filters the blood, stores blood cells, and destroys old blood cells.

HIST 60    Stomach    
Part of the digestive system; helps in the digestion of food by mixing it with digestive juices and churning it into a thin liquid.

HIST 61    Sympathetic Ganglion    
A group of nerve cell bodies either close to the spinal column or close to the large abdominal arteries.

HIST 62    Testis/ Testicle    
The two egg-shaped glands found inside the scrotum that produce sperm and male hormones.

HIST 63    Thalamus    
A large mass of gray matter deeply situated in the forebrain; relays information received from  various brain regions to the cerebral cortex.

HIST 64    Thymus    
In the chest behind the breastbone; an organ that is part of the lymphatic system, in which T lymphocytes grow and multiply.

HIST 65    Thyroid    
A gland located beneath the voice box (larynx) that produces thyroid hormone. The thyroid helps regulate growth and metabolism.

HIST 66    Tonsil
Small masses of lymphoid tissue on either side of the throat.

HIST 67    Trachea
Airway that leads from the larynx to the lungs.

HIST 68    Umbilical Chord/ Umbilical Cord    
A cord arising from the navel that connects the fetus with the placenta and contains the two umbilical arteries and the umbilical vein.

HIST 69    Ureter
The tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder.

HIST 70    Urethra    
The tube that carries urine from the bladder and out through the penis.

HIST 71    Uterus/Womb    
The small, hollow, pear-shaped organ in a woman's pelvis; this is the organ in which an unborn child develops.

HIST 72    Vagina/ Birth Canal    
The muscular canal extending from the uterus to the exterior of the body.

HIST 73    Vas Deferens/ Deferent Canal / Deferent Duct / Spermatic Duct / Spermiduct / Testicular Duct / Ductus Deferens    
A coiled tube that carries the sperm out of the testes.

HIST 74    Vein
A tube carrying blood from the capillaries towards the heart.

HIST 75    Vena Cava    
Two large veins which take deoxygenated blood into the right atrium of heart for delivery to the lungs.


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