LWP Nutrition Test Kit
46 vials 
including storage box
Vial Size: 10 x 50mm
Storage Box: Sturdy white cardboard flat tray box with a foam inlay for the vials
Also Note: This kit started out many years ago with 21 vials and progressed to 2 kits of 46 vials as more nutritional chemicals vials were added over the years. The 2 kits have now been combined into one kit of 46 vials (and discounted). If you purchased any of the 25 vial kits in the past and wish to be updated let us know.

This kit is energy patterns of a range of vitamins and essential fatty acids. These are based on pure samples of the substances, not supplements which may contain fillers, binders, etc.

There is also a Metals & Minerals kit available if needing both Vitamins and Minerals.

NT 1 Vitamin A / Retinol
Found in: liver, eggs, milk & dairy products, fish liver oil, enriched margarine.
Functions: growth and repair of body tissues; bone and tooth formation; vision in dim light; keeps mucus membranes healthy; protection from some cancers.
Deficiency symptoms : reduced night vision; dry eyes; loss of vision due to gradual damage of cornea; reduced resistance to infection due to loss of integrity of skin and mucus membranes; follicular hyperkeratosis.
Excess symptoms: headaches; drowsiness; skin changes; anorexia; weight loss; muscle pain; chronic liver disease; itchy and flakey skin; loss of body hair; brittle nails; increased risk of birth defects in pregnant women.

NT 2 VitaminB1/ Thiamin
Found in: wheat germ, yeast, liver, whole grains, nuts, oranges, fish, poultry, beans, pork.
Functions: carbohydrate metabolism; appetite maintenance; nerve function; growth and muscle tone.
Deficiency symptoms: tiredness; depression; irritability; inability to concentrate; poor memory; muscle weakness; gastrointestinal disturbances; numbness and tingling in hands and feet; reduced pain tolerance; disturbed sleep; poor growth in children

NT 3 Vitamin B2 / Riboflavin
Found in: fortified breakfast cereals, meat, eggs, green leafy vegetables, offal.
Functions: fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism; formation of antibodies and red blood cells
Deficiency symptoms: sore tongue and lips; cracks in skin around nose and mouth; eye irritation; burning feet; red and greasy skin but also dryness and flaking; scrotal and vulval dermatitis

NT 4 Vitamin B3 /Niacin/ / Nicotinic Acid /Nicotinamide
Found in: meat, poultry, fish, liver, milk products, peanuts, almonds, potatoes, yeast extract.
Functions: fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism; health of skin, tongue and digestive system; blood circulation.
Deficiency symptoms: irritability; headaches; poor memory; emotional instability; redness, scaling & pigmentation of skin in light-exposed areas; sore & fissured tongue; diarrhoea
Excess symproms: flushing; peptic ulcers; liver dysfunction; gout; arrhythmia; hyperglycaemia.

NT 5 Vitamin B5 / Pantothenic Acid
Found in: meat, whole grains, legumes, yeast.
Functions: converts nutrients into energy; formation of some fats; vitamin utilisation.
Deficiency symptoms: tiredness; headaches; weakness; emotional swings; muscle cramps; nausea.

NT 6 Vitamin B6 / Pyridoxine
Found in: fish, poultry, lean meat, nuts, pulses, whole grain cereals.
Functions: fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism; formation of antibodies; maintains sodium/ potassium balance.
Deficiency symptoms: exacerbates anaemia; irritability; nervousness; insomnia; seborrhoeic dermatitis on face; acne-like rash on forehead; red and greasy skin but also dryness and flaking; sore tongue; prominent taste buds.
Excess symptoms: impairment of sensory nerve function; diminished tendon reflexes; numbness and loss of sensations in hands and feet; difficulty in walking.

NT 7 Vitamin B12 / Cyanoco-balamin
Found in: offal, eggs, milk, oily fish, cheese.
Functions: fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism; maintains health of nervous system; blood cell formation; folate synthesis.
Deficiency symptoms: mental confusion; tiredness; pale skin; recurrent mouth ulcers.

NT 8 Biotin / Vitamin H
Found in: yeast, offal, eggs, milk, cheese
Functions: fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism; helps utilise B vitamins.
Deficiency symptoms: Scaly dermatitis; tiredness; weakness; severe cradle cap in infants.

NT 9 Choline
Found in: widely available; can be synthesised from glycine.
Functions: part of formation of acetyl-choline; emulsifies fats.

NT 10 Folic Acid
Found in: green leafy vegetables, offal, melons, pumpkins, beans, carrots, egg yolk, apricots, avocado.
Functions: red blood cell formation; protein metabolism; growth and cell division.
Deficiency symptoms: megaloblastic anaemia; neural tube defects where mother’s intake not adequate; poor growth in children; cracks at corners of mouth; painful sore tongue; mouth ulcers; depression.
Excess symptoms: insomnia, irritability.

NT 11 Vitamin C / Ascorbic Acid
Found in: citrus fruit, nectarines, melons, vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes.
Functions: helps heal wounds; strengthens blood vessels; collagen maintenance; resistance to infection; required for production of adrenal hormones; helps detoxification and excretion of a wide range of toxic chemicals.
Deficiency symptoms: scurvy; poor wound healing; lowered resistance to infection; bleeding gums; fragile capillaries; damage to bone & connective tissue; dry and scaly skin; dandruff.
Excess symptoms: kidney stones because of increased excretion of water and oxolate; impairment of white cell function; decreased B12 and increased iron absorption.

NT 12 Vitamin D2 / Ergocalciferol
Found in:Often used in supplements; made in body when skin exposed to sunlight.
Functions: calcium and phosphorus metabolism (bone formation); heart action; nervous system maintenance.
Deficiency symptoms: inadequate calcification of bones; skeletal deformity, migraine, hearing loss.
Excess symptoms: hypercalcaemia; renal stones; hypertension; excessive thirst; diarrhoea; nausea; weakness.

NT 13 Vitamin D3 / Cholecalciferol
Found in: oily fish, egg yolks, offal, fortified margarine; made in body when skin exposed to sunlight.
Functions: calcium and phosphorus metabolism (bone formation); heart action; nervous system maintenance.
Deficiency symptoms: inadequate calcification of bones; skeletal deformity, psoriasis, migraine, hearing loss.
Excess symptoms: hypercalcaemia; renal stones; hypertension; excessive thirst; diarrhoea; nausea; weakness.

NT 14 Vitamin E / Tocopherol
Found in: vegetable oils, green vegetables, wheat germ, offal, eggs.
Functions: protects membrane and red blood cells; inhibits coagulation of blood; protects fat soluble vitamins; cellular respiration; protects cells from free radical damage.
Deficiency symptoms:increased risk of coronary heart disease and some cancers; acceleration of some degenerative diseases (e.g. cataracts, rheumatoid arthritis);
acceleration of ageing; menopausal hot flushes; reducing scarring.
Excess symptoms: raised blood pressure; minor gastrointestinal upsets.

NT 15 Vitamin K1 / Phylloquinone
Found in: green leafy vegetables, fruits, cereals; also synthesised in gut.
Functions: important in formation of blood clotting agents, involved in energy metabolism, protein formation in bone tissue.
Deficiency symptoms: increased blood clotting time, haemorrhagic disease in new born which can be fatal.
Excess symptoms: prolonged clotting time.

NT 16 Vitamin K2 / Menaquinone
Found in: dairy products, meat; also synthesised in gut.
Functions: important in formation of blood clotting agents, involved in energy metabolism, protein formation in bone tissue.
Deficiency symptoms: increased blood clotting time, haemorrhagic disease in new born which can be fatal.
Excess symptoms: prolonged clotting time.

NT 17 Vitamin K3 / Menadione
Found in:dairy products, meat; also synthesised in gut.
Functions: important in formation of blood clotting agents, involved in energy metabolism, protein formation in bone tissue.
Deficiency symptoms: increased blood clotting time, haemorrhagic disease in new born which can be fatal.
Excess symptoms: prolonged clotting time.

NT 18 Arachidonic Acid
Can be formed from linoleic acid.
Omega 6 series polyunsaturated fatty acid, precursor of prostoglandins and leukotrienes.
Deficiency symptoms: inflammation, blood vessel constriction, blood pressure, arthritis, pain, blood clotting, allergies, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, migraine, fertility, PMT (especially breast tenderness), dry eye syndrome, behavioural problems.

NT 19 Eicosapentaenoic Acid
Found in: fish oils, flax seed oil, pumpkin seeds.
Omega 3 series polyunsaturated fatty acid.
Deficiency symptoms:inflammation, blood clotting, rheumatoid arthritis, behavioural problems, muscle weakness, visual impairment.

NT 20 Linoleic Acid
Omega 6 series polyunsaturated fatty acid, precursor of prostoglandins and leukotrienes.
Deficiency symptoms: inflammation, blood vessel constriction, blood pressure, arthritis, pain, blood clotting, allergies, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, migraine, fertility, PMT (especially breast tenderness), dry eye syndrome, behavioural problems.

NT 21 Linolenic Acid
Omega 6 series polyunsaturated fatty acid, precursor of prostoglandins and leukotrienes.
Deficiency symptoms: inflammation, blood vessel constriction, blood pressure, arthritis, pain, blood clotting, allergies, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, migraine, fertility, PMT (especially breast tenderness), dry eye syndrome, behavioural problems.


NT2 22 5-Hydroxytryptophan / 5 HTP / Oxitriptan
Involved in the synthesis of the neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin from tryptophan.

NT 23 Alpha Lipoic Acid / ALA Found in every cell of the body.
It is an antioxidant that can work in both water and fat, and is used by the body to neutralise free radicals. May help metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance, enabling insulin to work more effectively in the body.

NT 24 Beta Carotene / Provitamin A / 160a
A red-orange pigment abundant in plants and fruits. Can be converted in the body into Vitamin A. Used as a natural food colouring (usually extracted using hexane).

NT 25 Betaine Hydrochloride
Supports digestive system when stomach acid is low.

NT 26 Bromelain
Extracted from pineapples. Aids protein digestion. Also used to reduce inflammation associated with infection and injuries. Can be used in cooking as a meat tenderiser.

NT 27 Capsules, Gelatin
Gelatin is derived by boiling animal bones, hooves, tendons, etc. Glycerine may be added to soften the capsule shell.

NT 28 Capsules, Vegetarian
Made from hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.

NT 29 Coenzyme Q10 / Ubiquinone / Ubidecarenone
A vitamin-like substance that is present in all human cells and is responsible in part for the production of the body's own energy. Body's production declines with age, so may lead to increased tiredness. Shortage associated with gum disease and heart problems. May have important role in Alzheimer's, migraine and Parkinson disease. People with heart problems and the obese may have low levels.

NT 30 Conjugated Linoleic Acid /CLA
Found mainly in the meat and dairy products. May have anti-cancer properties. May have a positive effect on weight management through a reduction in total body fat and an increase in lean body mass.

NT 31 Creatine
A component of skeletal muscle. Produced in the human body from amino acids primarily in the kidney and liver. Used by sports people to gain muscle mass.

NT 32 Curcumin / E100
Responsible for the yellow colour and beneficial effect of turmeric. May be beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis and arthritis. It has been shown to be particularly useful if you suffer from shoulder, knee and elbow pain and stiffness.

NT 33 Docosahexaenoic Acid / DHA
An omega-3 fatty acid. From fish oils and commercially manufactured from microalgae. May reduce the risk of heart disease. Below-normal levels associated with Alzheimer's disease.

NT 34 Fructooligosaccharides / FOS / Oligofructose / Oligofructan
Extracted from fruits and vegetable. Helps keep the stools soft and easy to pass and stimulates the growth of friendly bacteria through its prebiotic effect. Promotes calcium absorption in the gut.

NT 35 Glucosamine Hydrochloride
An essential role in the repair of cartilage in the joints. No major food sources except for crabs, oysters and the shells of prawns. This form of glucosamine is from corn/maize vegetables that undergo a special fermentation process.

NT 36 Inulin
Belongs to a class of fibres known as fructans. Can be used to replace sugar, fat, and flour particularly in reduced calorie products. Also sold as a supplement. Increases calcium absorption and possibly magnesium absorption, while promoting the growth of intestinal bacteria.

NT 37 Lutein / Xanthophyll
Found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale. Also found in egg yolks and animal fats. High levels in the retina. Used to improve eye health. Can cause bronzing of the skin.

NT 38 Lycopene / E160d
Phytochemical found in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables. Used as a natural food colouring (E160d). May protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease.

NT 39 Magnesium Silicate / Talc / Florisil
Used as a coating on tablets. Also used in paper making, plastic, paint and coatings, rubber, food, electric cable, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, ceramics, etc.

NT 40 Methylsulphonylmethane / MSM / DMSO2 / Methyl Sulfone / Dimethyl Sulfone
A key component of cartilage and plays an important part in joint health.

NT 41 Papain / Papaya Proteinase I
A digestive enzyme from papaya. Used to aid digestion.

NT 42 Psyllium Husks / Plantago Ovta
A source of fibre, so bulk up stools and help with constipation.

NT 43 Quercetin
Inhibits the production and release of histamine, which is involved in allergic and inflammatory reactions.

NT 44 Resveratrol
Found naturally in grapes, red wine, purple grape juice, peanuts, and some berries. May be beneficial for the heart and have anti-cancer properties.

NT 45 Superoxide Dismutase / SOD
An enzyme that promotes the rejuvenation and repair of cells, while reducing the damages caused by free radicals.

NT 46 Vitamin B17 / Laetrile / Amygdalin
Originally isolated from bitter almond. Has been used as a naturopathic cancer treatment, but is greeted with scepticism by mainstream scientific/medical community.


SKU TKnut1-2

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